Review Form Leave a ReviewWrite a review by filling out the form below to let us know how you’re going with your Varuna board. Name * First Name Last Name Email * Age Range 10-17 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55+ Gender In your own words Purchase Date A guesstimate is good enough for us. MM DD YYYY Model * 6'8 Red Dingo 7'2 Red Dingo 7'6 Red Dingo 6'2 Twin Pin 6'4 Twin Pin 6'9 Twin Pin 7'4 Twin Pin 6'4 Mid Strength 6'6 Mid Strength 6'8 Mid Strength 6'10 Mid Strength 7'0 Mid Strength 7'2 Mid Strength 7'6 Mid Strength 6'4 Wombat MKII 6'10 Wombat MKII 7'6 Wombat MKII 5'8 Quokka 6'4 Quokka 5'7 Space Hawk 5'8 Space Hawk 5'11 Space Hawk 6'6 Cosmic Twin 6'10 Cosmic Twin 7'6 Cosmic Twin 6'8 Mid Length Magic 7'2 Mid Length Magic 7'6 Mid Length Magic 5'11 Waterbird 6'6 Waterbird 7'0 Waterbird 5'4 Heritage Twin 5'10 Heritage Twin Skill Level * Beginner Competant Experienced Advanced Pro Overall Rating * (5/5) - Epic (4/5) - Great (3/5) - Average (2/5) - Fair (1/5) - Poor Manoeuvrability * (5/5) - Epic (4/5) - Great (3/5) - Average (2/5) - Fair (1/5) - Poor Drive / Speed * (5/5) - Epic (4/5) - Great (3/5) - Average (2/5) - Fair (1/5) - Poor Paddle Power * (5/5) - Epic (4/5) - Great (3/5) - Average (2/5) - Fair (1/5) - Poor Tell us what you think * Share your experience with a brief message How did you hear about us? Instagram Facebook Tik Tok Internet Friends & Family An Event Cheers legend! We’re so humbled by your support and really value your opinion. Thanks heaps for being a part of the Varuna community.