Board Store

Our boards have been so popular we are running short of stock. To guarantee your Varuna surfboard please fill out an order form.

At Varuna, we craft high-performance, sustainable wooden surfboards grown in Indonesia and designed by industry legends.

But we’re not your typical wooden surfboard. We believe that sustainability and performance are no longer mutually exclusive. And at its core, our mission is guided by a planet-first mindset.

We work directly with shapers to replicate their innovative designs consciously, ensuring the quality and performance of the Varuna construction rivals its PU counterpart. This give you an epic ride you can feel good about both in and out of the water. And by using natural, sustainable materials like balsa wood and bio-based resin, our surfboard construction has been found to product 1.5 - 4 x Less Co2 than the average polyurethane surfboard over the course of its lifetime.

Not only that, we source our wood through an environmentally forgiving method that regenerates deforested grasslands in Indonesia, leaving behind an ecosystem rich in biodiversity. From seed to surfboard, we’re on a mission to redefine the world of sustainable surfing.

Are you on board?