Upcoming Demo Days Northern Beaches Sydney

We’re coming to Sydney for our first ever demo days series. We’ll be at Mona Vale Beach, in Apex Park from 8am-2pm Friday 19th, Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st.

Our boards are all free to demo so please come down, have a chat and go for a surf.

Varuna Vista is a series of film and board nights hosted at iconic locations along the coast.

We’ve partnered with Freshwater Brewing for an evening of surf films, board chats and surf films on Saturday the 20th of January.

We’ll also have a $3,000 prize raffle where you can spend up to $3K on anything Varuna with proceeds going to Surfrider Northern Beaches.

It’ll be a stellar night and we look forward to sharing a drink and having a chat.


Maurice Cole, Jared Mell and Kayu Vianna take Varuna to JBay


Varuna Launches Flagship Stores in Canggu, Bali and Byron Bay, Australia